I am a terrible blogger! I take pictures and then leave them on my camera forever before I blog them! We have had a really fun filled October. If you scroll down for a while you will see what we have be up too! These pictures are from Halloween day!
The cutest Skeleton (I mean scariest!) and Tinkerbelle!!
All of us ready for Trick or Treating. I am a pregnant nun...it was a fun costume!
Taking pictures at Grams house. I love this picture because Halle is waiting for all the other girls to get ready so she leans on the couch! LOL!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Posted by jamie at 4:53 PM 2 comments
Jackson's preschool class came to sing me a halloween song. It was so cute. They made these cute pumpkin faces. I was so impressed at how well they did!
Posted by jamie at 4:51 PM 0 comments
Carving Pumkins
You can tell by the look on Halle's face here that she is loving touching the pumpkin guts!! Jackson doesn't mind at all!!
Cutting the scary faces!
Posted by jamie at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Music Class Party!
The kids take a music class at Harmony Road Music school. They love it! This particular day they got to dress in their costumes! Here they are with their classmates around the piano.
Posted by jamie at 4:28 PM 0 comments
Grandma Cheryle's
My mom and her friend Cheryle are so cute! They love to plan things with their grandkids together. This day they took all of the kids to a new McDonald's and then we went back to Cheryle's house and picked these fun pumpkins and tatooed faces on them. The kids had a great time!
Posted by jamie at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Izzie Pooped on Me!!
Funny Story! One night I gave the kids some icecream. Halle wanted chocolate syrup on hers. Sometime during the eating process...she must have dripped a bunch down her shirt. After they were done I asked them to go get in their jammies. All of the sudden Halle comes running out of her room screaming! "Izzie pooped on me!!" I was like what how did that happen..... when I saw her I just busted up laughing! That darn chocolate looks like poop to a 2 year old! But it tastes better!
Posted by jamie at 4:15 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
Chores Galore!
We have decided it is time to give the kids a little responsibilty! Also Jackson has been asking to make his own money....that conversation went something like this. "Mom, I need to make my own money so I can buy my own things....now!" LOL! So we put this little plan into action. They have begun their own chores. They are doing pretty well. Part of Jackson's jobs are to make his bed and set the table. I think they have done pretty well...what do you think!?
Posted by jamie at 5:23 PM 6 comments
Our Little Insomniac!
Halle....has a sleeping problem. She for some reason thinks you can sleep with your eyes open! She hates to go to sleep! And claims almost every night before going to bed that..."but.I can't sweeeeeep, mom" Well sometimes after one of these nights Clint and I will come up to stairs at about 10:30 to go to bed and we will find Halle reading. She is so quiet we never here her. Here in this picture she has made herself comfortable reading Toys R Us Magazine...gotta love her!
Posted by jamie at 4:14 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
Everyone was right!
I wish I had some cute picture to post up here!! But we are heading to the cabin so I thought I would post this so that everyone would know! We are having another girl!!! Halle of course is so excited!! Jackson was a little teery eyed at first but her got over it really quick. I think he likes the idea of having to help Daddy take care of all of us:) It took us a bit to get he to un cross her legs.... just my luck since I planned this perfectly. Yesterday was my birthday...so we went to dinner that night at Javiers in Ogden! Yummo! Then we went to the Dr office as a family to see what we were having. It was a fun day. I need some good girl name ideas though! I like Autumn so far....got any ideas???
Posted by jamie at 2:40 PM 7 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
Halle is Nuts!
Halle lately has an obsession for changing her clothes a number of times a day!!! On Sunday morning following the zoo....I hear her door open and then closer. Usually she does this but goes to turn on the Cartoons....After a minute I didn't hear the cartoons. I decided to go and check on her to see if she got back in bed. Instead I see her changing into this swimsuit! LOL!! I laughed so hard!! She is nuts! I am such a good mom I didn't even wash her face before she went to bed the night before!
Posted by jamie at 5:58 PM 4 comments
This year Clint's company party was once again at the zoo! The kids favorite part was getting their faces painted. I thought they looked so cute!
Posted by jamie at 5:54 PM 3 comments
We have a Dinosaur!!
Jackson's preschool teacher sent home an egg last week. They were learning about Ovals. As Jackson returned home....he told me that he had gotten a real life dinosaur egg and that it was going to hatch any time and he would get a dinosaur egg. It totally cracked me up...so the dinosaur fairy did actually come one night...and left us this baby dinosaur!
Posted by jamie at 5:50 PM 3 comments
Soccer Time!!
The last fre weeks we have joined the soccer world along with it seems like all of our neighbors. However not one of our neighbors is on the same team! Jackson does pretty good. He enjoys it for the most part. Here is a picture toward the end of the game. You can see he has lost interest.
Here is a picture of how well his soccer shorts fit! Luckliy he has not lost them on the field!
Posted by jamie at 5:42 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
We have a future weather man on our hands! Jackson takes after his dad...he just loves the weather. We talk about almost everyday. Almost every time he sees a dark cloud headed our way, He says. "It looks like it might rain, I think I will need my umbrella." This weekend he was so excited to have all the rain. He would put on his shoes and get his umbrella and head outside for a bit. He would come in long enough to get warm...and then head out again! He cracks me up!!
Posted by jamie at 11:55 AM 4 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Cabin Fever!
On Friday we went up to our family cabin in Causey. My parents and Josh and Mandy joined us as well! We love the mountain air! My mom borrowed a paddle boat from her friend Cheryl. The kids and I really enjoyed it.....I don't think it was as much fun for Clint! It was pretty hard to get that thing going and it turned out to be more of a workout then he had planned on! A few times we got caught against the wind and we did not move at all. However it was really pretty and we did get to see a few crazy kids do some cliff diving!
Posted by jamie at 11:42 AM 7 comments